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The Big Ads
How the Yiddish Theatre Publicized their Productions


"Before the Wedding"
at the National Theatre

The opening performance was on Tuesday, September 19, 1925.
The advertisement appeared in the Forward on October 11, 1925.

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(Far der khasene)," by Mrs. Simchoff. Produced by Leon Blank, with music by Peretz Sandler.

Now playing with great success at Sachs and Goldberg's National Theatre, Houston Street and Second Avenue. Telephone: Orchard 2612.

Every Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday, matinee and evening.

CAPTIONS, left to right:

First row:
1. Michael Sachs, co-manager of the National Theatre.
2. Leon Blank, as the old father, Leyzer the Klezmer, in the 1st act of "Before the Wedding."
3. Leon Blank and Fannie Lubritsky in the second act of "Before the Wedding," when they sing their great success, "Got shik a rfuah der mame (God, Send Medicine to the Mother)."
4 (top): Louis Goldberg, co-manager of the National Theatre.
4 (bottom): Jacob Rechtzeit, Bessie Weissman, in the comical scene when he cries out that he doesn't want to have any children. 3rd act of "Before the Wedding."
5. Leon Blank in his successful role as Leyzer the Klezmer in the 3rd act of "Before the Wedding."

Second row:
1. Jacob Rechtzeit, as Chaim Yankl the Greenhorn, in the last act of "Before the Wedding," when he sings his successful couplet, "Ibergemacht (Transformed?)."
2. Leon Blank and Bertha Hart, in the very touching scene, as they flee a rainstorm at the end of the 2nd act.
3. Leon Blank, Bertha Hart and Sidney Hart in a very sympathetic scene in the last act.
4. Leon Blank, Bertha hart in the heartbreaking scene in the 2nd act.
5 (top): Annie Meltzer, Fannie Lubritsky in bathing suits in the 1st act.
5 (bottom): Leon Blank, as the old father in the scene where the children want to insure him and he wants that the money goes to the orphans in Russia. 1st act of "Before the Wedding."

Bottom row:
1. Leon Blank, together with the entire National Theatre personnel in the interesting family scene of "Before the Wedding."
2. Great scene in the last act.
3. Leon Blank, Jacob Rechtzeit, Goldie Shapiro, in the strong, comical scene in the last act.
4. The heartbreaking scene, as the mother is heard, and the family plans to abandon her into an insane asylum.





List courtesy of YIVO (Yiddish Institute for Jewish Research).

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