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The Big Ads
How the Yiddish Theatre Publicized their Productions


"Greenberg's Daughters"
at the Yiddish Art Theatre

The opening performance was probably on Friday, September 23, 1927.
The half-page advertisement below can be found in September 25, 1927 edition of the Forward.

Click on an image to see its larger version.


"GREENBERG'S DAUGHTERS (Grinberg's tekhter)," at Maurice Schwartz's Yiddish Art Theatre, 2nd Avenue and 12th Street, New York City. Telephone: Stuyvesant 7195-6. By M. Adershlager. Now playing every Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday matinee and evening. Special matinee Tuesday and Wednesday, September 27028, Rosh Hashanah.

Every Saturday matinee half-price. A benefit in the Yiddish Art Theatre is a sure success. Committees and private persons can now buy in the theatre office for their benefits and tickets. Reduced prices for the month of October.

Left page, CAPTIONS, left to right:

Row 1:
1. Maurice Schwartz.
2. Berta Gerstin.

Row 2:
1. Jechiel Goldsmith.
2. Morris Lipschitz.
3. Maurice Schwartz, director.
4. Jacob Rovenger, general manager.
5. Bina Abramowitz.

Row 3:
1. Lazar Freed.
2. Meyer Golub, manager.
3. Anna Appel.

Row 4:
1. Wolf Goldfaden.
2. The Interior of the Yiddish Art Theatre.
3. Anna Teitelbaum.

Row 5:
1. Morris Silberkasten.
2. Morris Strassberg.
3. Rebecca Lesh.
4. Jacob Goldstein.
5. Henrietta Schnitzer.

Right page, CAPTIONS, left to right:

Row 1:
1. Zalmen Greenberg and his daughters -- Maurice Schwartz, Berta Gerstin, Anna Teitelbaum, in a scene of the 2nd at of "Greenberg's Daughters."
2. SCENE BETWEEN UNCLE AND NEPHEW -- Maurice Schwartz, Lazar Freed in the 3rd act.

Row 2:
1. THE PRACTICAL FATHER -- The merchant Lefkowitz is very much interested in the dowry. Scene in the 3rd act of "Greenberg's Daughters."
2. UNCLE AARON tells of his experiences as an amateur bootlegger. -- Maurice Schwartz, Bina Abramowitz, Lazar Freed, Anna Appel, in the 1st act of "Greenberg's Daughters."

Row 3:
1. BRINGING HOME THE NEWS -- Maurice Schwartz, Lazar Freed, Henrietta Schnitzer, Anna Appel, Bina Abramowitz, in the 2nd act of "Greenberg's Daughters."
2. I'LL KNOCK HIM COLD -- Max (Mike) illustrates what he will do to "Kid" Bashie, when they meet again -- Scene in the 1st act of "Greenberg's Daughters."






List courtesy of YIVO (Yiddish Institute for Jewish Research).

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