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The Big Ads
How the Yiddish Theatre Publicized their Productions


"A Home For a Mother"
at the Grand Theatre

The opening performance was on Friday, September 4, 1925.
The full-page advertisement for the show appeared in the October 4, 1925 edition of the Forward.

Click on the image twice to see a much larger image.



"A HOME FOR A MOTHER (A heym far a mame)," at Goldberg and Jacobs' Grand Theatre, Grand and Chrystie Streets, New York. Telephone: Drydock 0385-3907. Rovinger and Shulman, managers.

The Greatest Sensation of the Yiddish Theatre ... A thrilling melodrama with sparkling comedy -- a play for young and old. Playing during holidays and every Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday matinee and evening.

By William Siegel and Harry Kalmanowitz -- music by Sholom Secunda -- Lyrics by Jacob Jacobs -- produced by Nathan Goldberg.

CAPTIONS, left to right:

First row:
1. WHEN THERE IS NO FATHER -- Very touching scene with Nathan Goldberg, Bettie Jacobs and Bennie Zeidman, in the 4th act of "A Home For a Mother" at the Grand Theatre.
2. Lucy Finkel
3. Jacob Jacobs
4. Bettie Jacobs
5. Rose Goldberg
6. Peter Graf
7. MOTHER'S HOPE -- A heart-rendering scene played by Rose Goldberg, Nathan Goldberg and Bettie Jacobs.

Second row:
1. THE MISTAKE -- Your heart dances with joy and laughter at this scene. Played by Jacob Jacobs and Peter Graf in "A Home For a Mother" at the Grand Theatre.
2. AND I TOO -- Father and daughter (Peter Graf and Rose Goldberg) teasing each other in an incomparably pleasing scene in the 2nd act.
3. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AIM IN LIFE -- with Rose and Nathan Goldberg as bride and bridegroom. Taken from the 4th act.
4. THIS IDEAL WAITER GIVES HIS CUSTOMERS A TIP -- A comic-pathetic scene in the 2nd act, played by Nathan and Rose Goldberg with Jacob Jacobs.
5. HE'S SOME WAITER, THIS BOY -- A rip-roaring scene in the 2nd act.
6. FIRST LOVE -- Beautiful scene in the 1st act of "A Home For a Mother" at the Grand Theatre, played by Rose and Nathan Goldberg.

Third row:
1. THE MIXED TWIN -- An amusing scene played by Jacob Jacobs, Kadie Kaplan, Yetta Zwerling in "A Home For a Mother."
2. NO BETTER CURE THAN MOTHER -- Tragic scene played by Nathan Goldberg and Bettie Jacobs.
3. THE WEDDING -- A fine finale in the last act of "A Home For a Mother," at the Grand Theatre.
7.THE MURDER -- A stirring dramatic episode in the 2nd act of "A Home For a Mother" at the Grand Theatre, played by Nathan Goldberg, Rose Goldberg, Peter Graf, Peppy Lavitz, Kadie Kaplan and Simon Wolf.







List courtesy of YIVO (Yiddish Institute for Jewish Research).

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