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The Big Ads
How the Yiddish Theatre Publicized their Productions


"The Kid Mother"
at the Second Avenue Theatre

The opening performance was on Thursday, December 24, 1926.
The advertisement for this production was published in the Forward on December 26, 1926.


"KID MOTHER (Mamele)," at the Second Avenue Theatre, 35 Second Avenue, New York. Telephone: Drydock 1643-4315.
Pasternak, Sager and Parnes, managers.
Types and characterizations of Molly Picon in Rumshinsky and Kalich's new presentation of the "Kid Mother." The favorite of th eNew York public.
A musical comedy by Meyer Schwartz. Music by Joseph Rumshinsky.
Also Friday evening (New Year's Eve), and every Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday, matinee and evening.

CAPTIONS, top row, left to right:

1. Jacob Kalich, stage director of "Kid Mother."
2. Molly Picon, star of "Kid Mother."
3. Joseph Rumshinsky, composer of "Kid Mother."

Bottom row, left to right:

The artists who play in our musical comedy, "Kid Mother":
1. William Schwartz, the beloved of the Kid Mother.
2. Lucy Levin, the sister of the Kid Mother.
3. Rose Greenfield, the older sister of the Kid Mother.
4. Millie Block, the beloved of the Kid Mother's brother.
5. Motele, the younger brother of the Kid Mother.
6. Meyer Schwartz, author of "Kid Mother."
7. Kalman Juvelier, the old-fashioned cantor in "Kid Mother."
8. Benny Adler, the beloved of the Kid Mother's sister.
9. Maxie Wilner, the brother of the Kid Mother.
10. Boris Rosenthal, the father of the Kid Mother.
11. Regina Prager, in a new role as the Chazante, in "Kid Mother."





List courtesy of YIVO (Yiddish Institute for Jewish Research).

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