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The Big Ads
How the Yiddish Theatre Publicized their Productions


"The Little Devil"
at the Second Avenue Theatre

The opening performance was on Friday, September 3, 1926.
The advertisement below appeared in the September 5, 1926 edition of the Forward.
A second such advertisement appeared in the 1926.10.17 edition of the Forward.

"THE LITTLE DEVIL! (Der keyner mazik)," at Kessler's Second Avenue Theatre, 35 Second Avenue, New York. Telephone: Drydock 1643-4315.
Molly Picon in Rumshinsky and Kalich's loop-the-loop musical comedy. Book by A. Nager, dances arranged by Max Shack.
William Pasternak -- Max Sager -- Nathan Parnes, managers.
A new success in the Second Avenue Theatre! This has not happened before!
Playing Monday matinee and evening (Labor Day), also Thursday evening and Friday matinee and evening (Rosh Hashanah), as well as every Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday matinee and evening, and every holiday.

A large women's chorus. A symphony orchestra conducted by the great Jewish composer, Joseph Rumshinsky. Produced and directed by Jacob Kalich. Sets by the Russian artist-painter, Alex Chertov. Lyrics by Isidore Lillian and Molly Picon.

Personnel of "The Little Devil":
1. Bobe Basye -- Regina Prager
2. Mutzi (her grandchild) -- Molly Picon
3. Sylvia (her grandchild) -- Lucy Levin
4. Moshe Ketshem (a matchmaker) -- Boris Rosenthal
5. Aaron Chitem (a matchmaker) -- Herman Serotsky
6. Nathan (a broker) -- Willie Schwartz
7. Willy, his messenger -- Max Wilner
8. Adela Kanteijes (sp) -- Rose Greenfield
9. Micky Murphy -- F. Weintraub

Bathing beauties, flappers, flower girls, Russian officials, Jewish shikses, and Jewish guests.

Action takes place in Coney Island [Brooklyn, New York]








List courtesy of YIVO (Yiddish Institute for Jewish Research).

Copyright © Museum of the Yiddish Theatre. All rights reserved.