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The Big Ads
How the Yiddish Theatre Publicized their Productions


at the Rolland Theatre

The opening performance was probably on Friday, December 21, 1928.
The half-page advertisement below can be found in the January 6, 1929 edition of the Forward.


Michal Michalesko in Sholom Secunda's musical hilarity, "SENORITA," at the Rolland Theatre, Eastern Parkway and St. John's Place, Brooklyn, New York.
Telephone: Hadingway 6200-6201. "The New Million-Dollar Yiddish Theatre." Michal Michalesko, director; William Rolland, general manager.
Now playing every Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday matinee and evening. Every Saturday matinee, ladies free!
By Louis Freiman. Produced by Michal Michalesko. Dances and ensembles by Jacob Rechtzeit.
Special attraction! The famous Spanish adja (?) dancers, Gina Dora and Ray Costa, in various novelty dances. Tickets six weeks in advance!

Personnel: Lucy Levin, Annie Lubin, Ray Schneyer, Anna Levin, Pauline Hoffman, Michal Michalesko, Jacob Rechtzeit, Louis Birnbaum, David Baratz, Sam Gerstenzang, Isidore Friedman, Harry Hochstein and Jacob Wexler. Benefits and tickets at reduced prices.

CAPTIONS, left to right:

Row 1:

1. Louis Freiman, author of "Senorita."
2. Sholom Secunda, composer and conductor.

Row 2:

1. Closing ensemble of the 1st act of "Senorita."
2. Senorita's marriage at the end of the 2nd act.

Row 3:

1. That a tailor may, may be a shoemaker (?), certainly. Jacob Rechtzeit, Lucy Levin and Ann ie Lubin and chorus.
2. How did you feel, Senorita? Michal Michalesko.
3. This is how a tailor goes -- A scene in the 1st act.

Row 4:

1. Oy, the love is good! -- Michal Michalesko and Lucy Levin in a heartfelt, beautiful love duet in "Senorita."
2. I'll tell you what's going on in America. -- Anna Lubin, Jacob Wexler and Pauline Hoffman in a comedy scene from "Senorita."
3. Come to me, children, don't be afraid! -- Michal Michalesko, Lucy Levin, Annie Lubin and Sam Gerstenzang, in "Senorita."
4. Jacob Rechtzeit and Annie Lubin in a very humorous duet in "Senorita."
5. Senorita kisses her bride -- Michal Michalesko and Lucy Levin.

Row 5:

1. Michal Michalesko as Senorita; Kh-putser in 1st act of "Senorita." ... in the 1st act of "Senorita."
2. Gina Dora and Ray Costa, the Spanish adja dancers in various dances in "Senorita."
3. An old man with a youthful passion. -- Michal Michalesko, David Baratz, Harry Hochstein, and Ray Schneyer, in an explosion of laughter, in "Senorita."
4. Opening number from the chorus, in the heartfelt lust-shpil, "Senorita."
5. Oy, it's difficult to be a woman! -- Michal Michalesko and Louis Birnbaum in a love scene from "Senorita." -- and the theatre cracks with laughter.
6. This is Senorita, by herself!  Michal Michalesko.







List courtesy of YIVO (Yiddish Institute for Jewish Research).

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