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The Big Ads
How the Yiddish Theatre Publicized their Productions


"The Song of Love"
at the Rolland Theatre

The opening performance was probably on September 24, 1928.
The half-page advertisement below can be found in the October 14, 1928 edition of the Forward.

The darling of all the Yiddish theatres, Michal Michalesko, in Sholom Secunda's great romantic operetta, "THE SONG OF LOVE (Dos lied fun liebe)," by Louis Freiman, at the Rolland Theatre, Eastern Parkway and St. Johns Place. Telephone: Hadingway 6200-6201. Playing every Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday matinee and evening. Saturday matinees, ladies free.

With a large chorus, wonderfully beautiful electrical effects, rich sets, a large, double orchestra, and you will see the greatest artist-actor troupe in a large, musical production.
Staged by Michal Michalesko. We sell entire benefits and tickets at reduced prices.

Our artistic personnel: Lucy Levin, Anna Lillian, Annie Lubin, Nettie Tobias, Ray Schneyer, Anna Grushkoff, Anna Levin and Pauline Hoffman; Michal Michalesko, Jacob Rechtzeit, Louis Birnbaum, David Baratz, Sam Gerstenzang, Isidore Friedman, Harry Hochstein, Moshe Nestor and Jacob Wexler.


Top, right:

1. Louis Freiman, author.
2. Michal Michalesko, director.
3. William Rolland, general manager.
4. Sholom Secunda, composer-conductor.

Row 1, left to right:

1. Michal Michalesko and Lucy Levin in a passionate love scene in a colossal musical production, "The Song of Love."
2. The splendid million-dollar theatre on St. Johns Place and Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, New York.

Row 2, left to right:

1. An interesting quartet: Louis Birnbaum, Anna Grushkoff, Jacob Rechtzeit and Annie Lubin.
2. A comical trio: Nettie Tobias, Jacob Wexler and Sam Gerstenzang.

Row 3:

1. Center: Michal Michalesko, as the Caucasian lover, in our rich musical production, "The Song of Love."
2. Right: The chorus of gentile women in a Russian dance, in "The Song of Love."

Row 4, left to right:

1. The entire ensemble in the closing scene of the beautiful and rich production, "The Song of Love."
2. Louis Birnbaum, Anna Grushkoff and chorus in a tango dance in Mexico.

Row 5, left to right:

1. Michal Michalesko and chorus in a Cherkesen (sp) dance in the great musical production, "The Song of Love."
2. Michal Michalesko in a marriage ring.
3. Michal Michalesko and Lucy Levin, together with the chorus in a Romanian cabaret, in the beautiful operetta, "The Song of Love."







List courtesy of YIVO (Yiddish Institute for Jewish Research).

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