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The Big Ads
How the Yiddish Theatre Publicized their Productions


"The Student Prince in Heidelberg"
at the National Theatre

The opening performance was on Thursday, September 3, 1926.
The advertisement for this production was published in the Forward on September 26, 1926.


"THE STUDENT PRINCE in Heidelberg (Der student prints in heidelberg)," at Goldberg and Jacobs' National Theatre, 2nd Avenue and Houston Street, Telephone: Orchard 2612. Samuel Goldinburg, director; Harry Katz, general manager; Jean Greenfield, manager.

By Dorothy Donnelly. Music by Sigmund Romberg, Yiddish translation by Shlomo Edelheit. Produced by Edward Scanlon, under the supervision of the beloved artist Samuel Goldinburg; lyrics translated by Jacob Jacobs.

The original production from Broadway -- direct from the Jolson Theatre.

With the permission of the Mr. Lee and J.J. Shubert.

A chorus of fifty beautiful girls and the best male and female singers. A double orchestra, studied and conducted by our composer and leader, Alexander Olshanetsky.

Ab. Cahan quote: "One comes out of the theatre with a kind of pride, that you can play 'Student Prince' in the 'Jewish Quarter' in Yiddish, a fact with which one can congratulate oneself."

Saturday Matinee -- Ladies Free.

Now playing the entire holiday of Sukkos, and every Friday eve., Saturday and Sunday Matinee and Eves., and all Holidays. Benefits and tickets the cheapest anywhere.

$100,000 production! Beautiful music -- the greatest and most splendid furnishings that has been seen in the Yiddish theatre.

Saturday matinee -- ladies free!

CAPTIONS, left to right:

Row 1:
1. Michael Rodunoff as the prince; Bella Mysell as Katie.
2. Right to left: Jacob Jacobs as Lutz, Bettie Jacobs as the Duchess, and Hymie Jacobson as Hubert. -- A very comical scene in the 3rd act.
3. Samuel Goldinburg, as Dr. Engel.

Row 2:
1. Hymie Jacobson as Hubert.
2. Fannie Lubritsky as Gretchen, the bar maid.
3. Bella Mysell as Katie; Ella Ziebel as the princess.
4. Jacob Jacobs as Lutz.

Row 3:
1. The entire ensemble in a beautiful scene at the close of the 3rd act.








List courtesy of YIVO (Yiddish Institute for Jewish Research).

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