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February 3, 1933


On the "Europa" the well-known Yiddish actress Nellie Casman returned to New York with her husband Shlomo Steinberg. For just under two years, when they were there, they were able to orbit a large part of the globe and play theatre for Jews, as well as non-Jews.

They played for six months in Argentina, then six weeks in Paris, London and Riga, three months in Romania, and sixteen weeks in Warsaw. In Argentina, Casman also performed  in the Spanish theatre, "Monumental" and sang in Spanish. The critics of the Yiddish and Spanish newspapers wrote enthusiastically about her in their articles. Also in Europe she was a great hit.

Casman told a representative of the "Forward" about the condition of the theatre in distant countries. In Argentina, for example, she earned on her last visit no less than a few years back, but due to the fall in currency, however, her earnings were lower. When they changed the Argentinean peso to American dollars, nothing remained. However, the actor who goes abroad can live there with dignity. What makes it difficult for the guest-starring star is that they have to study anew the play with the local troupe in every city in Poland. Every theatre has their troupe. Not every time is the troupe so well put together that they are able to perform an operetta with her, and this made the situation difficult.

Casman and Mr. Steinberg hoped here to remain for a long time and concern themselves with a new repertoire and then -- they continued on their way.





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