"The Verdict"
(Der urteyl)
A play in 3
acts and 8 scenes
By Sophia Levitina
Translated by Z. Fishberg
Staged by Joseph Buloff
Settings by A. Chertoff
Music by Leo Koutzen
(in order of their appearance) |
Tanya |
Luba Kadison |
Yefim Martinov |
Joseph Buloff |
Bolshevist Commissar |
Hollander |
Olga, an agent
of the Cheka |
Hannah Hollander |
Aphanasia |
Leah Naomi |
Sergei Petrovich |
Judah Bleich |
Boris, a lieutenant on the
White Staff |
Michael Gibson |
Anna Alekseyevna, a declassed
gentlewoman |
Helen Appel |
Molotov, a Red
Army officer |
Chaim Schneuer |
A Red Sailor |
Wolf Mercur |
Red Soldier |
Harold Miller |
Nina Zaretzka,
daughter of a declassed aristocrat |
Helen Blay |
Secretary of the White Staff |
Jacob Mestel |
Nikolai |
Ben Basenko |
Bell, Colonel
of the White Staff |
Leib Kadison |
General Sukhov,
Commander of the White Staff |
Louis Weisberg |
Glib |
Joseph Margolis |
Peasant |
Morris Bilawsky |
Orcoshka, A Red
Soldier |
Reuben Wendorf |
Nikita, A
Soldier of the Red Army |
Wolf Barzell |
Masha |
Zelda Gould |
Maid |
Leah Wendorf |
The action takes place in Dragunsk during the Russian Civil
Peasants, Red Soldiers, White Soldiers; Jacob Temni, Pincus
Trachtenberg and Harry Lazarus.
SYNOPSIS (prepared by Maximilian Hurwitz)
Introductory Note. -- The present play portrays the civil
war in Russia following the Bolshevik Revolution of October
1917. It brings into vivid contrast the old Russia and the
new -- the one romantic, irresolute, indolent, helpless; the
other matter-of-fact, determined, active, resourceful.
Typical of the old and the new, respectively, are the
leading characters of the drama. Tanya, the daughter of a
former land owner, and the Communist commissar Yefim, her
husband. By the swift and tragic end of their union, the
playwright -- a Soviet authoress little known in America --
implies that between the two Russias there could be no peace
and no understanding even on the emotional plane, and that
the destruction of the old by the new was inevitable.
Implied also is the familiar Communist doctrine that an
individual's character and behavior are determined mainly by
his class ties. Thus Tanya, although deeply in love with
Yefim, in the end becomes his mortal enemy because she comes
from the deposed gentry and he of the victorious
(Sergei Kazhurin's residence)
Scene 1. (Room
of the commissar Martinov)
Tanya, daughter of the former country squire, Sergei
Petrovitch Kazhurin, has married the commissar Yefim
Martinov, whom she first met when he came to requisition
rooms in her father's house for himself and his comrades,
including the girl Olga, who is an agent of the Cheka.
Although Tanya and her husband love each other dearly, she
finds her honeymoon rather boring, because Yefim is too much
engrossed in his work to show her those little attentions
and tokens of affection which a lady of quality expects.
This leads to mutual reproaches, which serve to bring out
their different natures, interests, and outlooks on life.
Parafianov, a fellow commissar, comes to bid Yefim goodbye
before leaving for the front. After Parafianov is one, Yefim
expresses regret that, owing to this marriage, he cannot go
to the front too. This starts a fresh quarrel between him
and Tanya, but as usual they kiss and make up. When Olga
enters, Tanya demonstratively leaves the room, for she fears
and mistrusts the girl Chekist, being unable to conceive of
a close associaiton between a man and woman which has no
sexual motive. Olga tells Yefim she has unearthed a band of
counter-revolutionary conspirators, and invites him to drive
with her to Communist headquarters for further details of
the plot. He agrees, and she goes out to wait for him the
automobile. He calls in Tanya and quarrels with her over her
attitude toward Olga. He then tells her that he must go to
headquarters, whereupon she complains at the prospect of
another night of loneliness and neglect.
Scene 2. (Room
of Kazhurin. The Same Evening.)
While this is going on in Yefim's room, Boris, a former
suitor of Tanya and now a spy, visits her parents in the
guise of a peasant. He brings them a letter from their son
Nikolai ("Kolia" for short), who is likewise a White
lieutenant attached to Gen. Sukhov's headquarters, he also
delivers to them counter-revolutionary proclamations calling
on the populace to rise against the Soviets. After Boris'
departure, Sergei asks Taya where Yefim went at that late
hour. She tells him where, but is unable to tell him why
Yefim went there. The father takes her task for failing to
spy on her husband, since that was the main reason why he
consented to her marrying Yefim. Tanya hotly replies that
she will never engage in spying and, although no Bolshevik,
she will always be loyal to her husband. Their quarrel is
terminated by the arrival of Anna Alexeyevna, a declassed
gentlewoman, who informs them about the arrest of a neighbor
by the Cheka, and warns them to be on their guard. She
leaves, but before Tanya's parents can dispose of a trunk
containing incriminating evidence, the Soviet authorities,
including Olga and Yefim, raid the house and search the
premises. The trunk is discovered in Tanya and Yefim's room,
and is found to contain weapons and counter-revolutionary
literature. In an effort to save her parents, Tanya, who
knew nothing about their conspiratory activities or the
trunk's contents, asserts that the trunk and all it contains
belong to her. She is shocked and indignant when Yefim agees
that she as well as her parents be taken to Checa
Scene 3. (The
same room a couple of weeks later)
Three weeks later. Tanya's parents have been found guilty
and executed, while she herself has been acquitted. She has
refused to be reconciled with Yefim, or to accept any aid
from him. And now, having sold such valuables as she still
possessed, she is preparing to go to her brother at Gen.
Sukhov's headquarters, and eventually to an aunt in Paris.
After parting with two of her closest friends, she receives
an unexpected visit from Olga. The latter says she is going
to the front, where Yefim is, and asks Tanya if she would
like to send a message to her husband. "Tell him that I wish
him happiness with his new paramour," is her reply.
Scene 1. (Main
quarter of the staff of the White Army.)
At Gen. Sukhov's headquarters, some time later. Olga, in
disguise, and having changed her name and bribed Lieut.
Bravarsky, chief secretary of Gen. Sukhov's staff, is now
working as a typist at the enemy's headquarters, with the
result that there is a steady leak of White military
information to the Reds, who surround and cut down every
force sent against them. To ingratiated herself further, she
carries on a mild flirtation with Staff Lieutenant Kolia,
brother of Tanya. Presently Tanya arrives and is introduced
by Kolia to his colleagues, including Olga, now known as
Ekaterina. Tanya is under the impression she has seen
Ekaterina before, but the latter assures her that she is
only imagining.
Scene 2. (A
corner of a hall, and two days later.)
A dance at Gen. Sukhov's headquarters two days later. Boris
dances with Tanya and behaves rather goatishly. She upbraids
him for his rudeness; they quarrel and part in anger. She
begs Kolia to send her away from headquarters, but he has
other plans for her. He tells her that he and Gen. Sukhov
consider her coming providential, since the commander of the
Soviet division facing Gen. Sukhov's troops is none other
than her husband, Yefim. Accordingly, the general and he
have decided to send her across the front to Yefkim's
headquarters, where Kolia will escort her in disguise. There
she is to abstract important military documents which will
enable Kolia and his confederates to blow up bridges and
ammunition dumps and then to destroy the Red Army. She is
reluctant at first, reminding her brother that she once
loved Yefim -- a hint that she still does; but he insists
that she must do it as an act of patriotism, and in order to
avenge the death of their parents. She still hesitates, but
agrees to undertake the perilous mission when later the
genral himself urges her to do it. Meanwhile her suspicion
that the girl typist is none other than Olga has become a
certainty, and she implores her brother, as she has
repeatedly done during the last two days, to arrest her; but
he ridicules her fears, as does the nervy spy herself when
confronted with Tanya. Olga, however, realizes that the game
is up and makes preparations for her escape. When afterwards
word comes that another White force, dispatched on secret
orders only the day before, has been annihilated by the
Reds, and it becomes clear that there is a leak in
confidential quarters, an order is issued for Olga's arrest.
Ironically, it is Lieut. Bavarsky who is sent to arrest her.
It soon turns out that both have fled.
(The Campaign of the Red Army)
Scene 1. (On
the post.)
At Red Army headquarters shortly afterwards. Tanya is
captured by soldiers in the woods nearby and taken to be
questioned. She is recognized by Parafianov who in turn
takes her to Commander Yefim Martinov, her husband.
Scene 2. (In a
farmer's house.)
Kolia, disguised as a peddler, comes to Tanya, ostensibly to
sell her his wares. Tanya hands him a forged military permit
for peddling in the vicinity of army headquarters, which is
contrary to regulations. She begs him to take her away, as
she hears that Olga is coming; but he asks to be patient for
another two days. He tells her that Boris is also in the
neighborhood. Nikita Bandarchik, the alert Red Army sentry,
halts Kolia and examines his merit, which however seems to
be in proper form. Yefim comes home, and soon Tanya falls to
nagging him; for, being the old type of Russian intellectual
with a soul divided against itself, she cannot even act her
part properly. Parafianov enters and at a sign from him,
Yefim sends her out of the room on some pretext. Parafianov
begs his comrade to send away his wife, whose presence is
arousing suspicion in the army, as it is known she comes
from a counter-revolutionary family. Yefim weakly defends
Tanya. Olg arrives and, having learned of Tanya's presence
at divisional headquarters, reiterates her suspicion of
Yefim's wife. Yefim attributes this to feminine jealousy on
Olga's part, but Olga, who typifies the new Russian woman,
is free from all romantic nonsense. Presently Tanya returns.
At the sight of Olga she is filled with terror, completely
loses her head, and almost betrays herself. Her
consternation knows no bounds when, presently, Kolia is
brought in as a prisoner, charged with having dynamited a
bridge. it is she herself who tells Yefim that the prisoner
is her brother, and offers a lame explanation of his
presence hereabouts. After Kolia is subjected to severe
questioning by Olga, Tanya, unable to restrain herself,
shoots her mortal enemy Olga. Nikita, attracted by the shot,
rushes in. Whereupon Yefim orders Tanya's arrest as a White
Scene 3. (On
the post.)
Tanya has been found guilty and sentenced to death. Yefim
comes to see her in jail shortly before the execution is to
take place. She implores him to save her, reminding him of
their love; but Yefim is adamant. In order to quiet her, he
gives her paper and a pencil and suggests that she draw up a
petition for clemency. As she is absorbed in the act of
writing, he shoots and kills her, thus himself carrying out
the verdict. |